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my life's real fucked up now...

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2007 2:54 am
by mks
ok, so at the beggining of the summer, my freind, ty, who i considered a brother died within a week of when my real brother died two years previously, this is just the most recent death of one of my close freinds, and i feel like just giving up. i dont know what to do. i was the person who held my freinds together, and was the one they vented to and shit, but i left about a week after he od'd (in front of me), and now from what ive left i have no clue what happened to them. i heard somewhere that jd, ty's boyfreind commit suicide in late august, but im still too afraid to face them. as many times as people tell me that it's not my fault, i cant help but blame myself, if i acted sooner he'd still be alive. i really dont know what to do.

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2007 7:30 pm
by PunkRockNL
write a song about it

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2007 9:38 pm
by Zam
In the nicest way possible, deal with it. I'd like to help but the only way for you to get over it is to accept it...

Sorry for your loss man.... :( She's in a better place...

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2007 11:04 pm
by mks
yea i guess.. i usually get over it in a week, but for some reason, i cant probbibally cuz this one's my faulti dont know that guy was really the only family i had left.

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2007 1:46 am
by LTS
i had a friend who died in a car accident, he ws like the happiest kid i knew, always would brighten my day up, now he's gone :cry: