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"Champion Recess Fighter" - New Song

Posted: Tue May 11, 2010 12:50 am
by Jeremy Kill
It's pretty straight-forward. Probably the fastest I've recorded a song right after doing another since about a year ago.

The rest of my originals can be found here:

Re: "Champion Recess Fighter" - New Song

Posted: Tue May 11, 2010 1:38 am
by Jake-41
Too bad ya had to stop doing covers. On a side note, it's great. In my top 3 of all your songs.

Re: "Champion Recess Fighter" - New Song

Posted: Tue May 11, 2010 1:44 am
by Gibsum 41
That is amazing Jeremy!! Definitely one of your bests! You're really good at this!

Re: "Champion Recess Fighter" - New Song

Posted: Tue May 11, 2010 2:42 pm
by Simon
Sounds great. Unfortunately I don't really enjoy listening to instrumentals unless it is intended as one or I already know the finished song .. or it's Sum 41 or something else very special for me :devious:
Looking forward to a finished a song, because you obviously have a damn good sense for riffs and chords arrangement. You just need bass and proper drums to give them more power and lyrics to give them meaning.

Re: "Champion Recess Fighter" - New Song

Posted: Tue May 11, 2010 4:08 pm
by Anneliesx
I love it

Re: "Champion Recess Fighter" - New Song

Posted: Thu May 13, 2010 11:14 am
by Jeremy Kill
Jake-41 wrote:Too bad ya had to stop doing covers. On a side note, it's great. In my top 3 of all your songs.
Yeah, I might do some covers again in the future, except without background music. I might do it this way to with a recording of an instrumental. The only problem with doing that is not getting the right drum sounds I want. But I have a new cover of Over My Head I kind of want to put up.
Simon wrote:Sounds great. Unfortunately I don't really enjoy listening to instrumentals unless it is intended as one or I already know the finished song .. or it's Sum 41 or something else very special for me :devious:
Looking forward to a finished a song, because you obviously have a damn good sense for riffs and chords arrangement. You just need bass and proper drums to give them more power and lyrics to give them meaning.
Thanks! By the way, I'm the same with instrumentals too, haha. It might be a while before these songs get finished completely as I'm not in a band at the moment. Though, once I get about 10 songs I really like, then I might start working on lyrics. I want to write slower songs, but they always end up becoming a fast one for some reason, haha.

Re: "Champion Recess Fighter" - New Song

Posted: Thu May 13, 2010 2:16 pm
by Simon
I think you can use most original songs in the background without any issues, at least I had no major trouble with my Sum 41 covers yet. Only my All Messed Up drumcover got disabled a while after I uploaded it, because of a copyright claim, although everything else from DTLI was recognized too and nothing happened there. But a year later or so, one day it was available again. I didn't even notice.

May be I can also provide the drums you're looking for, since I got a new camera (actually it's my brothers, but we pretty much share everything except girls, haha), that creates a nice and clean overhead-like sound, because it has an integrated stereo mic and is mounted on the ceiling light exactly above my drums for best visibility and audibility. I am working on putting these new videos on my YouTube channel, that will give you an idea. I will post some comparison/what's-to-come clips first and after figuring everything out with the audio editing and stuff, I will go crazy and do as much as possible because it sounds fucking amazing (the cymbals practically sound like recorded in a studio and the toms and snare are not bad either, only the bassdrum lacks the real bass and kick, which only makes sense). I already have a nice Give Me One Good Reason by Blink-182 take to finish up.

Man, I wish I could just take all my stuff right now and get the fuck out of here, visit you in canada or whatever and rock the fuck out ... and may be even get you somewhere with your music as well as me with mine. I feel like I could write two AKNF and three UH in one week, but I just never sit down and finish a song because I'm afraid of having to deal with the lyrics (although I doubt I would have a lot of trouble there either), so I end up fooling around, killing time, playing to Sum 41 and forgetting everything I did the next day. The one good thing about that is the constant guitar practicing, since I am still a total noob. I can't even play the Hell Song solo properly yet.
But I could also see everything change so easily with the right people around me... I'm just not sure what I'm looking for because I'm kind of a songwriter control freak / practical guitar player / "because-I-have-to" singer like Deryck, but also like being a simple drummer like Steve and to complete the circle I pretty much look like Cone, but with a bigger and more awesome head, lol.

Anyways... yeah you rock, I rock, but unfortunately I live in pathetic Germafuckingny. But why? I have nothing but my own laziness keeping me here.

Re: "Champion Recess Fighter" - New Song

Posted: Thu May 20, 2010 11:12 pm
by Jeremy Kill
Yeah, my Sum 41 covers are all good (except No Reason, I don't know why). But WMG got rid of my East Jesus Nowhere cover, yet there's users on YouTube where 90% of their covers are Green Day covers and they still have their videos up. It's ridiculous. I can't even find a way to redeem myself and take away any strikes against my account. I basically just don't want to end up making a "CaliforniaScum1" or "CaliforniaScum2" account, because I hate numbers in usernames, haha.

And yeah, rocking out is something I haven't done since last summer and I miss it so much. My friends are all doing their own thing and moved far enough away that jamming together wouldn't be convenient. Of course, we got drunk while we jammed and ended up partying by the end of the night, haha. Great times nonetheless.

Re: "Champion Recess Fighter" - New Song

Posted: Sat May 22, 2010 5:19 pm
by Jesse254
very cool

Re: "Champion Recess Fighter" - New Song

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 11:51 am
by Simon
Can you send me a guitars+click/cowbell-only version of this song? I just listened to it again when I visited your MySpace and it gets more and more catchy. I think I can come up with some ass-kicking drums the next time I hit the road to visit my beloved drumset. Or do you have a favorite song that you'd rather have real drums for?

Btw. what do you use to record and mix the guitars? I have a TonePort which works great and I can get a pretty decent sound, even with my Squier. But I only have Logic Express and no Mac available at the moment.

Re: "Champion Recess Fighter" - New Song

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 10:58 pm
by Jeremy Kill
That would be awesome! I can send you a guitar+cowbell version. Also, if you're willing, I have a cover of Over My Head that could use some kickass drumming. None of the drum presets really do the song justice. I still need to tweak some guitar on that one though.

I use a Line 6 PODxt and Riffworks. Nothing fancy, just something to get the job done.

Re: "Champion Recess Fighter" - New Song

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 11:14 pm
by Simon
You're lucky, I played Over My Head last time I was there. I think there was a clean take, let me just check.

One problem though: The Toms and Bassdrum need to be cranked up a lot, either by equalizing/frequency-compressing or adding support samples. But that's up to you since I don't really have the tools to do that right now.

Re: "Champion Recess Fighter" - New Song

Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 12:25 pm
by Jake-41
And i can haz add teh vocals! It'll be an all TNS coverz! :D

Or not.

Re: "Champion Recess Fighter" - New Song

Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 3:32 am
by Simon
I guess, I don't know. Can you sing?
Btw. I was wrong, those takes were full of mistakes and they were also not recorded overhead-style, so the sound isn't that good. I will come back with better ones.

Another problem is, that I don't know how to quickly get the audio out of those AVCHD files (.mts) since VirtualDub aparently doesn't support them. Seems that I really need get my Sony Vegas working now.. stupid hacks, I wish I could just afford it.

Re: "Champion Recess Fighter" - New Song

Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 12:35 am
by Jake-41
Yes i can sing! I've performed Sum 41 songs in front of 200+ more than a few times. : ]

Sadly, my dad has my recorder, so i can't anyway.

Re: "Champion Recess Fighter" - New Song

Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 7:29 pm
by Heather
Jer once again you've come to impress, kick ass job my friend! love the tempo

side note: the part at the beginning with the kids is hilarious

Re: "Champion Recess Fighter" - New Song

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 11:11 pm
by horrorofsorts
I wish I had some proper recording equipment, I'd record some bass, I just found these on youtube and fell in love then joined TNS :happy:

Awesome songs

Re: "Champion Recess Fighter" - New Song

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2010 1:09 pm
by Nic
Sum 41 tweeted this song and called it badass. Congrats Jer-bear. :2cool4u:

Re: "Champion Recess Fighter" - New Song

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2010 12:53 am
by bizzyd53
nice job man!